November 20, 2013

WTF Wednesday


What everyone else's friends are like:

what my friends are like:

2. It was 17 degrees when I left for work this morning

3. My biggest pet peeve at work is when people call, tell me they missed a call from our number and then go silent.  So I say "okay, do you know who called you?"  "no, I just have a missed call"  "um, okay well that could be over 50 people, so unless they left a voicemail I don't know who called you"  "can't you just ask around?"

Sure sir, let me stop what I am doing, and go around and ask/call over 50 different people to see who called you.  I would stab a candy cane through your eyeball if you were standing in front of me.

4. Adam Levine was elected (that's not the right word, but you know what I mean) DECLARED, thats better.  Adam Levine was declared SEXIEST MAN ALIVE.  And all I can say is GROSS!  I have an awkward obsession with hating Adam Levine.  I don't know what it is about him but he just grosses me out.  I know many of my friends have awkward obsessions with LOVING him (CASEY) but I just don't see it.  AT ALL.  Lets just say he wont be making my Heart Throb Friday cut.

I guess I will try to not hate him so much because if Blake Shelton loves him, I guess I can too.

5 A comedian in NY live tweeted a couple breaking up a few feet away from him on a roof.  If you want to waste 5 minutes of your day for a good laugh, please read.

6. Robi sent me this link this morning, its HILARIOUS!!!!!!!

If famous historical events took place in the age of Instagram [20 pictures]

Histagrams - 12

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