July 14, 2014


Okay, okay, I know its been a while!  After many of you asking me to start posting again I figured I owed it to my fans friends and family.  Since I've last posted I got hitched, WOOOOOOOO... and officially don't live in sin anymore (you're welcome grandma).

I'll get a wedding post together once I get more pics from the big day, so far all I have gotten are the few that were posted on my facebook or instagram.  If you don't follow me on instagram you should, I'm not one of those annoying people that posts the same pic in both spots unless its ridiculously awesome.  I try to post pictures of day to day life on the ranch and generally random things that probably only make sense in my head.  My handle as they call it (which sounds like I should be a cop or something) is http://instagram.com/supersara14 or you can search for my in your app supersara14

ANYWHO... I'll try to get some posts up this week including how the Peruvians are doing, how I got hit on at a rodeo (as a married woman), and the new litter of puppies roaming around the ranch...oh and wedding related stuff of course.

until then enjoy some Pink Floyd for you Monday:

Oh and it was my glorious Mothers idea to change my blog title to "Married in Montana" isn't she clever?  Now I know where I get it from.


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