November 15, 2013

Heart Throb Friday Girl Edition

I wasn't sure who I wanted to highlight for heart throb Friday, then I remembered...Jennifer Lawrence is HOT, and I'm obsessed with her, so lets tell a story while also highlighting how awesome she is.

CATCHING FIRE!  I'm so excited I could just pee myself.

I have to wait until I can see it with my mom (or she might kill me).  So she better show up for thanksgiving like she says she is, otherwise I'm hitting the theaters solo.  Reviews are coming in and THEY ARE GOOD!  Not that a bad review would deter me from seeing my woman crush on the big screen but it does make me more excited than ever to see the movie.  Review here.

Also, if you are in love with Jennifer Lawrence as much as I am, watch this:

I'm throwing Henry a 30th bday party NEXT weekend, I'm really hoping people show up or its business as usual with the Peruvians, Henry and I just drinking in the barn together playing horseshoes and eating lamb.

On Monday it was incredibly slippery on the roads, I of course think I'm an excellent driver, so of course, I slide off the road.  I didn't tell Henry this part (and he rarely reads my blog) but as I took the exit for work, I turned one way but my car kept sliding straight, and I said "well this is happening" and BAM, I hit the middle curb divider, thank god it wasn't anything higher or I would have been SCREWED.  Car is running fine, learned my lesson without any major repercussions.

 I'm also pretty effing excited for all my Ca peeps coming to town next week.  We will act like we are 19 years old again and annoy the crap out of anyone within a 10 mile radius of us.  Should be good times, especially when there is alcohol involved.

and we always act our age.

Happy Friday everyone, remember.  Keep it classy, just like Jennifer.

Oh and totally unrelated but I saw this on facebook this week, I literally laughed so hard I cried:  Its 15 minutes of AMAZING-NESS!!!


Anonymous said...


dont go solo!

danie and i were gonna go on the release but i have to work friday, so thursday midnight release wont work. IF EVER you need to go with some goofy company to go with you. The Cutler's would love to go with you. we are trying to figure out when we go can see it:)

Unknown said...

Adam Levine is the hottest man alive! Don't hate! lol