We got a fair amount of snow out at the ranch (its hard to tell how much snow you get because wind makes it accumulate). NORMALLY when it snows, its slippery, DUH? So what does an uncoordinated, accident prone person do when it snows? THEY WEAR SNOW SHOES to eliminate risk of falling on their face. Well, not this smarty pants, no. What did I decide to wear? My cutest pair of fashion boots that have ZERO traction. As I am leaving the house I said to Henry "I'm probably going to fall today" his reply:
"not with those tiny steps you take"
OHHHHH WELL GUESS WHO WAS RIGHT?! (and I really didn't want to be). ME.
Let me back up slightly. I have posted about my family's inability to walk without falling down.
I will have days when I cannot keep a single thing in my hand without dropping it.
you name it: coffee, cereal (one time I smacked a box of rice krispies ALL OVER THE KITCHEN, I'm never making rice krispie treats again), I often scramble eggs without even trying since they fall on the floor. When I worked at a bar in college I would break AT LEAST 3-5 glasses a night, its a wonder why I was still employed there. Anyway, you get the picture, hand over your babies at your own risk.
So after coming back from lunch yesterday I walk through the front doors of the store I work at. I get a good 6 paces in and I'm not 100% sure what happened other than I took a good tumble. And when I say tumble I mean I ate shit. Bad. You know what's great about working in a retail store? Security Cameras. Yes ladies and gentlemen, not only is my pride bruised from the incident, but everyone got to re-watch and witness my incredible gracefulness. Unfortunately for you with formatting all I could muster up was a screen shot. The picture speaks a THOUSAND words. And yes, feel free to laugh. Because its all I can manage to do.
IN MY DEFENSE, I was only practicing my Wicked Witch of the East costume.
All in all, two of my coworkers ran to my aid and picked me up and got me back on my feet. I twisted my ankle pretty good, but besides being a little sore I'd say my pride took the biggest beating. So, in honor my my fall, I wanted to share some others falling too, because, as the saying goes "misery loves company" and since I dont have the actual video of my fall, these three are the best depictions I could find.
Safe travels everyone.
This literally made my week! Oh how I love your clumsiness! Also you should have blogged about your bike reck!
I dunno casey, my ego is still pretty beat up from that crash too! Gosh I need to start wearing full body braces and a helmet.
your screen picture was the best ever. i laughed so hard first and then i felt bad
i love how the boys came running to assist you
thanks for blogging this. ive been waiting
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