February 5, 2013

Ranch living

ITS DIRTY AROUND HERE! Get your minds out of the gutter, I literally meant its freaking dirty around here.

Today I cleaned the mud room, you think I could take a hint "mud-room" hence mud in the room.  Well lets just say I could start an ant colony with all the dirt I swept up.

I've been cooking the crew lunch probably 3-4 times a week since I moved here.  I enjoy doing it and everyday Henry says "IT GOOD? IF NO GOOD SHE GONE!" to the Peruvians.  Not sure if they like my cooking and respond "yes good" or they are just afraid Henry might actually send me home if they didn't like it.

I'll try and put some links up of things I have made for people like Alma that keep asking me.  The crock pot is my best friend mainly because I never know exactly what time they are coming in for lunch so that way its always warm.
The puppies are getting bigger, they are so cute I almost SQUEEZE the life out them when I go play with them in the barn.  I'm working on sneaking one in the house...still working on the logistics of that and Henry not notice a fluff ball running around the house.  "Its my new mop?" yeah...I need some ideas people! I've already named 3 of 6.
Driving to the ranch and into town is a good 30-45 drive depending on where you are going.  At least I have views like this to stare at while driving on the dirt roads.


Unknown said...

You are too much. FYI I saw that video last week and thought the same about the goat. lol I heart your blogs and be nice to the sheepies!

Ken Mirr said...

Living in a ranch is quite a “little” muddy, but I enjoy it. There’s nothing better than living a rustic life where you can raise your kids and teach them how to work with their bare hands. Thanks for sharing this!

Darren @MirrRanchGroup.com