November 20, 2013

WTF Wednesday


What everyone else's friends are like:

what my friends are like:

2. It was 17 degrees when I left for work this morning

3. My biggest pet peeve at work is when people call, tell me they missed a call from our number and then go silent.  So I say "okay, do you know who called you?"  "no, I just have a missed call"  "um, okay well that could be over 50 people, so unless they left a voicemail I don't know who called you"  "can't you just ask around?"

Sure sir, let me stop what I am doing, and go around and ask/call over 50 different people to see who called you.  I would stab a candy cane through your eyeball if you were standing in front of me.

4. Adam Levine was elected (that's not the right word, but you know what I mean) DECLARED, thats better.  Adam Levine was declared SEXIEST MAN ALIVE.  And all I can say is GROSS!  I have an awkward obsession with hating Adam Levine.  I don't know what it is about him but he just grosses me out.  I know many of my friends have awkward obsessions with LOVING him (CASEY) but I just don't see it.  AT ALL.  Lets just say he wont be making my Heart Throb Friday cut.

I guess I will try to not hate him so much because if Blake Shelton loves him, I guess I can too.

5 A comedian in NY live tweeted a couple breaking up a few feet away from him on a roof.  If you want to waste 5 minutes of your day for a good laugh, please read.

6. Robi sent me this link this morning, its HILARIOUS!!!!!!!

If famous historical events took place in the age of Instagram [20 pictures]

Histagrams - 12

November 15, 2013

Heart Throb Friday Girl Edition

I wasn't sure who I wanted to highlight for heart throb Friday, then I remembered...Jennifer Lawrence is HOT, and I'm obsessed with her, so lets tell a story while also highlighting how awesome she is.

CATCHING FIRE!  I'm so excited I could just pee myself.

I have to wait until I can see it with my mom (or she might kill me).  So she better show up for thanksgiving like she says she is, otherwise I'm hitting the theaters solo.  Reviews are coming in and THEY ARE GOOD!  Not that a bad review would deter me from seeing my woman crush on the big screen but it does make me more excited than ever to see the movie.  Review here.

Also, if you are in love with Jennifer Lawrence as much as I am, watch this:

I'm throwing Henry a 30th bday party NEXT weekend, I'm really hoping people show up or its business as usual with the Peruvians, Henry and I just drinking in the barn together playing horseshoes and eating lamb.

On Monday it was incredibly slippery on the roads, I of course think I'm an excellent driver, so of course, I slide off the road.  I didn't tell Henry this part (and he rarely reads my blog) but as I took the exit for work, I turned one way but my car kept sliding straight, and I said "well this is happening" and BAM, I hit the middle curb divider, thank god it wasn't anything higher or I would have been SCREWED.  Car is running fine, learned my lesson without any major repercussions.

 I'm also pretty effing excited for all my Ca peeps coming to town next week.  We will act like we are 19 years old again and annoy the crap out of anyone within a 10 mile radius of us.  Should be good times, especially when there is alcohol involved.

and we always act our age.

Happy Friday everyone, remember.  Keep it classy, just like Jennifer.

Oh and totally unrelated but I saw this on facebook this week, I literally laughed so hard I cried:  Its 15 minutes of AMAZING-NESS!!!

November 13, 2013

Its Ab'oot Time, eh? I'm engaged!

Did you get my Canadian reference there?  Eh?  Henry and I had to go to Canada last week for sheep meetings, etc.  Little did I know he was also planning on proposing, well "planning" is an overstatement.  He stuck the ring in his bag in hopes of a "moment" arising to pop the question.

The Canadian border is about 6 hours from Billings so we headed up in hopes of getting close enough to stay the night in the US and head over the border first thing in the morning.  Talk about an interrogation!  Henry mentioned that he knew of a few rodeo cowboys that couldn't get over the border and I assumed it was because they stole horses or has smuggled too much Copenhagen... but apparently these border patrol officers are just mean!  I was driving (which I now regret) and this lady asked about 500 questions, where we were from, where we were going, what were we doing, who were we seeing, what is our IQ, who is our favorite actor, which way do we hang the toilet paper on the roll... I mean it got a little ridiculous (might have fabricated a few questions to enhance my story).  At one point I think my voice cracked and I started shaking but she let us cross the border... finally.

Once in Canada we headed to Picture Butte a little town outside of Lethbridge where we toured a cattle and sheep feedlot.  That night we went out to dinner in Lethbridge and ate in an old water tower, it was SO COOL.  I saw it earlier in the day and thought it was just used as a billboard, but apparently they renovated and made it into a restaurant at the top.  It was really delicious food too.  Ric's Grill, go there.
Ric's Grill

Next day we went up to Acme and toured another sheep feed lot that was EXTREMELY interesting, if you ever want me to tell you about it, ask.  I'll spare your reading eyes.  Once done there we had the afternoon off until our next meeting the following day.  So, I had looked around at what was near us for our "vacation afternoon" and headed to Banff National Park outside of Calgary.

This is what Lake Louise looks like during the summer: not real right?

Also if you are an avid Bachelor fan like Henry me you might remember it from the Bachelor Sean season when they did a polar bear dip and Tierra (the crazy one) thought she died of hypothermia and caused a big scene (dramatic much).

I asked Henry if he wanted to jump in, but he decided against that and stood here instead:
little did I know there is a ring in his pocket!
 We walked around a bit, laughed at some tourists taking 500 pictures of an animal and as we start walking away from the lake Henry says "So, do you want the rest of your birthday present?" and he pulls a little box out of his pocket, and well you know how the rest goes.... YAY!  It was weird because I am a BIG crier, I cry during TV commercials on the reg.  So I was really surprised by my reaction, I was so shocked and super excited that I just stared at the ring and Henry's smiling face to even react to what was even going on!  It was all very exciting and I am just overwhelmed with happiness, I'm that girl I want to punch in the face from being so overly love drunk.  WOO HOO!

And a beautiful ring it is...
I call these my Umpa Loompa fingers
I'm pretty obsessed with it, stare at it all the time.  I LOVE IT.  The style is so me.

So once I calmed down I realized I needed a picture of us in front of the lake!  I found a tiny little Asian girl, who didn't speak any English to take our picture.  She did pretty good too!
Henry's side of the story is that I planned my own proposal since it was my idea to go to Banff, if he had it his way he would have proposed at the sheep feed lot.  The whole thing was very "us" I planned it without knowing and he got to wear his muck boots and work gloves while visiting sheep ranches along the way.  He says if he would have planned anything I would have known something was up... and that is true.  It all worked out to be a perfect proposal for our relationship.

I'm so happy I found a partner to share my life with and start a family.  Looking forward to our wedding NEXT SUMMER!  Hope all you crazy Californians are up for a Montana adventure!

November 1, 2013

Heart Throb Friday - Saved by the Bell

I know Zack Morris has a real name in real life, but do we really care?  No...

Saved by the Bell has to be one of the greatest shows ever.  Here are 5 reasons why:

1. the wink

2. Innocent Dance moves

3. this look

4. the phone

5. the fashion

okay okay, his real name is Mark Paul Gosselaar, but Zack is so much more appealing right??
He has still continued acting, thank god.  He is still very good looking, although I'm not digging the long hair.

Fun random fact, his ex wife is remarried to Survivor host Jeff Probst.


I'll be attempting not to fall down and keeping my hand out of the candy jar.