August 11, 2013

6 Thing Sunday

WHOA, what a crazy past few weeks it has been.  The store I work at opened an amazing new location and our Grand Opening was this week... needless to say I've been working more than the regular 40 hour week.  Which has been fine since Henry has been on the Rodeo trail roping it up across the state.  I'm pretty excited for things to go back to normal next week once all the crazy-ness is done.

1. I missing the Nevada County Fair :(

I could write a book about my hometown fair.
Cliff Notes: Its the BEST fair in the whole wide world!

But for reals, the food is AMAZING, I always plan on gaining about 10 pounds a day while I am there. For lunch I get a corn dog, baked potato, orange Julius, 2 tacos, tempura vegetables, and ice cream for dessert. Then for dinner I'll have another baked potato, corn on the cob, hamburger, ribs, pastie (look it up), and then if you are sitting within a 2 ft diameter of me I'll eat whatever your eating too.

I also miss my fam-bam and the Corgis... Guess I'll get to see them next month when I am home, maybe I can make my mom recreate all the fair food I missed.

2.  My Garden got hammered.  Not drunk hammered (thats my job) but it got hail hammered.  If you follow me on Instagram (which you should) I had posted an Insta-video of how awesome my garden is coming along and within MINUTES a storm came in out of nowhere and took out some peppers, and battered my tomatoes.  Everything looks like it will survive minus some peppers, but now I know what its like to be a farmer.  That was the most stressful situation.  All those hours of planting, weeding and watering flashed before my eyes!  Here is a quick video I took while standing on the front porch of the house.  I have another better one with the tree losing branches, but I use some choice words so I decided not to upset my mother.

3.  Apparently its been Shark Week?  I mean sharks are cool, I guess?  I just don't understand all the hype.  Personally I'm not into it, I think I tried to watch an episode last year and after person got eaten... I was done.  I think I saw a shark fin in the ocean once and pooped my pants.  So sorry shark week, NOT FOR ME. 

I have to admit though that this commercial is GENIUS

4.  Everyday during our Grand Opening we had giveaways.  Well on Saturday the girl yells "DOEY LONG TIME you won!" and I scream across the room "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO"

She still doesn't get it... I said, read that to yourself and pick a new winner.

Sometimes it likes to be high and vibrant and show off it’s beautiful golden brown strands.

6. I think you all should come visit me.  hurry up already.  Thanks bye. 
  This song rocks my socks off.

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