February 4, 2013

San Antonio -> Sacramento -> Montana

The last two weeks have been CRAZY.  Along my travels I realized that people are actually reading my blog and many people *COUGH COUGH, Greg* are angry I haven't posted in a while.  Now that I am back home in Montana I will try to catch everyone up.

San Antonio was a great trip for the American Sheep Conference.  Henry and I were in the "Emerging Entrepreneur" sessions which were great for young people (or older) starting out in the sheep industry.  Many professionals from across the industry gave talks about specific topics that are necessary to learn about getting into the industry.  It was also nice to talk to other new producers from other parts of the country and learning about their operations.

Oh, and Lesa and I got to hang out...
we know how to bust a move

San Antonio was neat, our hotel was right on the River Walk which is a pretty cool thing to check out.  Minus the part where we came across a dismal scene walking back to the hotel one night where a man had fallen off the bridge onto the River Walk below...OUCH.


Apparently he was intoxicated, I would have preferred a hot cup of coffee.

After the sheep conference I made my way to California for a trade show.
In Sacramento it was time for the Unified Wine and Grape Symposium.  It was PACKED.  Also keep in mind I have been living in a town of 200 lately.

The tradeshow was great, the salesmen got a lot of good leads but I was happy when it was over.  After the 4th time of doing that show I am not sad that I wont be there for a 5th time.  Its a good time don't get me wrong, lots of wine and social activities but holy smokes by the time it over you want a new liver and a 16 hour nap.  But hey, not many people get to drink AND work at the same time.

So I made it back to Montana, I could really go without a 6am flight for a while...I guess I have a week to get over that.  Dammit.

I'll be back in Cali next Sunday for the Tulare Farm Show.  When I land in Oakland I am planning on meeting up with Ali for the afternoon before I head down to Tulare and I could not be more excited!!



karen324 said...

And what about Lesa and Mom in Tulare sharing your room???

Sara LOL said...

Yeah, you're welcome for that.