January 22, 2013

Its that sheep time of year

Who is excited for the Eidman sisters to reunite this week??

Who’s ready for Happy Hour in Midtown?

The annual American Sheep Industry conference this week in San Antonio Texas!  I have been to a few of these before (pre Hank) I would go with my sister when I was unemployed just out of college and wanting an excuse to do something.  This year I suppose I should actually pay attention since I am now living on a large sheep operation.  Going to Texas means two things:

1.  Lesa and I get to do this:

2. I get to have really really big hair: (its Texas afterall)

(I need to work on my tan apparently too)

From San Antonio I will be flying to Sacramento and be in California for a week to attend the UNIFIED WINE AND GRAPE CONFERENCE.  Not sure why I capitalized that.  Anyway, if anyone is in sac Jan 27-Feb 1 let me know!  Come drink some wine with me.

HOW BOUT THEM NINERS??!?!?!?  See what happens when I leave Ca?  You get a cold wave worthy of Montana and the Niners go to the ship.

Frank Gore Blew Up Lance Briggs: Bears-49ers, In One GIF


karen324 said...

Who gets to wear the most revealing dress?

karen324 said...

Miss you

Erin said...

Frances Tate & I will be near Sacramento on 1/29. We WILL meet up!I am positive we can find some tasty snacks and a drink or two!