September 27, 2013

Heart Throb Friday - I'll never let go Jack!

I think I was in 6th grade when the Titanic came out, and even though I knew very little about the actual historical Titanic ship (besides the iceberg and sinking thing) Leonardo DiCaprio was in the movie and that's all that mattered to me and my girly friends.  I remember one friend Emily literally saw that move at least 9 times in the theater.  I saw it 3 times (one was for her bday party) and I could have seen it 19 more times for sure.  I don't know why I was so enraptured by that movie but to this day I still am.  If its on TV I will watch it, and if I had a VHS player I would probably watch it every weekend. (guess I need to upgrade to a dvd copy)

Also, I would like to point out that Jack DIDN'T HAVE TO DIE! (and so did the mythbusters)

I think he has a bad habit.

OMG, I FORGOT HE WAS IN THE QUICK AND THE DEAD.  I hated that movie.  But  I am the worlds biggest western film critic.  basically I hate them all.

Then that whole Romeo and Juliet phase.  AMAZING.
Everyone thought this kid was going to be a forever "titanic" actor that wouldn't be able to move on to bigger movies, boy were they wrong.  thank god.

the departed... effing epic movie

I still have not seen The Great Gatsby, and I'm 99% sure its because I hated reading that book in English Junior year of high school.

Anyway.  Leo, I love you.  But you really need to work on that smoking habit.

September 20, 2013

Heart Throb Friday - Do you feel lucky punk?

While I was visits friends and family in California last week people told me they actually read my blog, so thanks!  My mom made sure to tell me that she didn't like my new heart throb Friday posts, so instead of listening to my mother (I'm too old for that) I decided instead, to dedicate this one to her.  In the form of Mr. Clint Eastwood.

 You're welcome mom.  Ever since I can remember my mother has always had the LARGEST celebrity crush on Clint Eastwood, and by god, looking at young pictures of him I can see why.  That and he was in every western movie every created.
I mean I can definitely see the sex appeal here...

I tried to find as many without his shirt on...
For obvious reasons...

And by the grace of god his son Scott is turning out to be a spitting image of his dad.  Thank you Jesus.

I'm printing this  one and hanging it above my bed, Henry won't mind

September 17, 2013

I get it from my mama

My mother is one unique individual.  Most of the time I call her "weirdo" because she is, just that.  And now I know why I get labeled the same.  I get it from my mom.

My mom drove out to Montana "just cause" she wanted to, and since I was planning on going to California for my friend Tiffany's wedding I drove back to California with her.  We left pretty early in the morning last Sunday and since I have never been to Yellowstone (because my parents deprived me as a child) we decided to "drive through" well little did I know that my mom literally meant we were going to drive through and not stop.

Little background info about my family, we are not tourists.  In fact we despise anyone who acts like a tourist, so we try to do things that wouldn't seem touristy.  So when my mother FLIES off the side of the road because a lot of people were "pointing at something" I was SHOCKED that my mother had just done the most amateur tourist move of all time.  But since we were already on the side of the road we decided we should figure out what all the fuss was about.  After a solid three minutes we could not figure out for the life of us what everyone was staring at.  They all had REALLY fancy cameras and were definitely looking at something but we just had no idea.  So we jumped back on the road and kept going.  When my mother saw ANY CAR that looked like it was looking at anything she would yell "BEAR??  IS THERE A BEAR? I WANNA SEE A BEAR" so our entire drive through Yellowstone was a bear hunt.  Did we see one?  no.... But we did see some buffalo, elk and lots of tourists.

The Tourist with her camera

the only time she let me out of the car

We were also planning on stopping half way to California for the night since we had made our tourist detour, but every time we got to a town to get a hotel my mom would say "LET'S JUST KEEP GOING!" so, onward we went.  At one point I had to beg for food since all we had eaten was peanut butter and jelly sandwiches we had made at my house before we left.  I seriously don't think I can eat another pb&j sando for a really long time.  So we stopped in Wells, Nevada and our only option was McDonald's.  Everyone in this McDonald's was on meth, so it was an interesting stop to say the least which is why my mom would say "now you know why I don't like to stop on road trips" well thanks for the chicken wrap anyway mom.

We finally made it back to California about 3am on Monday, as we drove into the driveway my mother proclaims "Wow!  I only hallucinated twice!"

Are you kidding me?  I told her about 876 times that I could drive whenever she wanted me to, out of our 20 hour drive, I drove MAYBE 3 hours, if that.  Shes a weirdo, I warned you all.

Thank you mom for coming to visit and driving my butt to California.  I had an so much fun spending time with you and getting to catch up.  Now come visit me more :)

Here were a few of my favorite quotes from my mother from my trip with her:

"I want to live in a town that has all pickups" (driving through a town in the middle of nowhere)

"I love all the languages!" (while walking past German tourists in Yellowstone, when I know for a fact my mother hates all accents and languages that are not English)

"I only hallucinated twice!" (after driving 20 hours straight)

"Sara look at my three holes!" (at the shooting range, impressed with her marksmanship)