July 2, 2013

Handicap Henry

So, Henry broke his knee.  He was calf roping at a rodeo 2 weeks ago and landed funny getting off his horse and "CRACK" he broke the fibula part where it connects to his knee.

 Let me start by saying that I have been around  A LOT of injuries.  Growing up always playing sports I've seen it all, from dislocated elbows (it was disgusting to see happen first hand) torn ACL's, MCL's, Meniscus (my mom got ram prodded - literally- by a ram) anyway, I felt like I was experienced enough to deal with his knee break.  NOT. SO. MUCH.  The kid (who I deeply love) is a pain in the ass.  He will not listen to anyone, even the Doctor!  He was told to stay off it for at least 2 weeks and get rechecked.  Well in his mind since he didn't have any pain it must mean he was fine to do as he pleased. 

So against my violent objections he walked on it everyday and the crutches ended up by the trashcan where he said "they belonged" after a few days, I quit trying to change his mind and decided that no matter what I said or did, he was going to do what he wanted.  Which I should have known better from the beginning!

SHOCKING UPDATE, his self diagnosis worked out and his bone is healing well and the Dr told him he could start rodeo-ing again this week (only roping).  So now of course, he thinks he is a Dr and will always do what he wants regardless of what he is told.  and now I get this...

The funniest (yes I know its not a word, but I like it anyway) and the whole point of this blog update is Henry's self prescribed rehab.  Cowboy Henry is now.... Lance Armstrong.  Yep, he decided he needed a bike to "get back into shape" so I got a Wal Mart special, that he barely fits on and he rode it to Molt on Saturday. 

The Molt Cafe closed its doors (sad day) and they threw a big goodbye party for the owners.  So Henry left about 45 minutes before I did and I figured I just meet him there, well about 3 miles from Molt, I come up to this gem:

I don't know why, but the sight of him riding a bike was hilarious, I only wish he would have had his cowboy hat on to really seal the deal.  Watch out France, Tour de Molt is underway.

Henry said that if he doesn't end up riding the bike anymore maybe the Peruvians will?  For what I am not sure, I hope something like this...

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