September 27, 2013

Heart Throb Friday - I'll never let go Jack!

I think I was in 6th grade when the Titanic came out, and even though I knew very little about the actual historical Titanic ship (besides the iceberg and sinking thing) Leonardo DiCaprio was in the movie and that's all that mattered to me and my girly friends.  I remember one friend Emily literally saw that move at least 9 times in the theater.  I saw it 3 times (one was for her bday party) and I could have seen it 19 more times for sure.  I don't know why I was so enraptured by that movie but to this day I still am.  If its on TV I will watch it, and if I had a VHS player I would probably watch it every weekend. (guess I need to upgrade to a dvd copy)

Also, I would like to point out that Jack DIDN'T HAVE TO DIE! (and so did the mythbusters)

I think he has a bad habit.

OMG, I FORGOT HE WAS IN THE QUICK AND THE DEAD.  I hated that movie.  But  I am the worlds biggest western film critic.  basically I hate them all.

Then that whole Romeo and Juliet phase.  AMAZING.
Everyone thought this kid was going to be a forever "titanic" actor that wouldn't be able to move on to bigger movies, boy were they wrong.  thank god.

the departed... effing epic movie

I still have not seen The Great Gatsby, and I'm 99% sure its because I hated reading that book in English Junior year of high school.

Anyway.  Leo, I love you.  But you really need to work on that smoking habit.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

oh lord! no kidding. i have lost track of how many times ive watched that movie: i overwatched it that it actually made me physically sick. everytime i even look at the cover, i get really nauseas. so one day, i made a quick trip to the post office and sent the VHS to The Philippines

another leo movie i think you for sure you will hate is: the basketball diaries. Joe said is really nasty. i havent seen Great Gatsby either
