July 15, 2013

The Still water is not so still

I went rafting this weekend on the Stillwater River near absarokee.  Lets get one thing straight.

When Californians say lets "float the river"

When Montanans say lets "float the river"

My new Montana friend Staci grew up in Absarokee, which is such a cute little town, her dad spends all his free time on the river so when she invited me to "float" I was jazzed.   I, of course asked 500 dumb questions ranging from sunscreen to drowning and Staci assured me I would be covered on all aspects of the trip. And was she right, they were professionals. Anything you could think of necessary for the river, they had it. Including beer. I was so excited that I didn't have do a darn thing but jump in the boat and give a few "Wahoooooo" yells.

At one point we had a little situation with the weather and had to wait it out under some trees while we got dumped on.  Thank goodness Staci's dad is like a walking Swiss army knife and had a bag of rain jackets for such an occasion.  With the cloud cover and rain I was getting a wee bit cold, so the jacket and my life vest (that I never took off) kept me nice and toasty.

I also had my first Fireball experience.  I never understood the hype over cinnamon whiskey but gosh darn it that stuff is delicious!  I'm on the fireball bandwagon now!

I told Staci that I wanted to take pictures and she said she had a water proof camera, well this camera required a genius to oporate the SOB, it had two buttons for about 354 features so and I ended up taking a gazillion photos of my face.  Close up.  I'll spare you those photos as you can use your imagination at how beautiful I looked.  But the rest turned out pretty neat.

my attempt at a group shot
why yes, those are crocs...sexy

there were many beautiful ranches along the way

bonding sesh, those that ___ together, stay together

cutting hay

I never know what to do with my hands

1 comment:

Em said...

Sweet photos.