Henry is in fact a full blown cowboy and from June-Aug he is on what I call the "rodeo trail" which means he puts on about 6,000+ miles (slight exaggeration) in 4-5 days EACH WEEK going to Professional Rodeos across Montana. Sometimes he will dip into North Dakota, South Dakota, Wyoming and Idaho. Henry is what they call an "all around cowboy" meaning he does more than one event, because, why not?
His Events:
-Steer wrestler
-Calf Roper
-Team Roper (heeler)
-Steer Tripper
If you are ever wondering how Henry is doing in the circuit you can check online: HERE
That link will take you to tie down roping which is what he is doing best in, he is also placing in team roping heeling too. You'll also notice Henry is not Henry but HANK HOLLENBECK. He splits his personalities during Rodeo season. I call him cowboy Hank, but only during the summer.
Circuit finals are January 16,17,18 in Great Falls Montana, plan your trip now and pack a jacket, its always FREEZING up there. http://www.montanaprorodeo.com/2014/